Lamp Davide Groppi - Anima

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Lamp Davide Groppi - Anima

ANIMA is a place of emotions. A slender, light, ephemeral and abstract sculpture, it is a weightless ideogram. Absence and essence of light. It’s the emotion of an indirect light with an aesthetic poised between Scandinavian and Japanese design, two apparently distant cultures but, actually, very close. At the top, a thin metal open circle, almost a hook for fishermen of the soul.

„Lamp Davide Groppi - Anima“ belongs to the „Floor“ items category. This „Davide Groppi“ manufacturer lamp „Lamp Davide Groppi - Anima“ is on sale not only in our online shop but also at our showroom in Kaunas - "Lempa LT". „Lamp Davide Groppi - Anima“ lamp price: 411,40.

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