Lamp a-emotional light - Fluo Compo Large

12.037,08 10.833,37
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Lamp a-emotional light - Fluo Compo Large

This collection of pendant lamps is created from painted steel mesh veils that gather gracefully around a single light point. Design - Arturo Alvarez. A light form which reproduces the illusion of a filmy fabric, like a semitransparent tulle that reveals and hides at the same time, playing with the observers intuition. The lightness of this design, that achieved a Good Design Award in 2009, is enhanced in the largest chandeliers of the collection.

„Lamp a-emotional light - Fluo Compo Large“ belongs to the „Pendant“ items category. This „a-emotional light“ manufacturer lamp „Lamp a-emotional light - Fluo Compo Large“ is on sale not only in our online shop but also at our showroom in Kaunas - "Lempa LT". „Lamp a-emotional light - Fluo Compo Large“ lamp price: 12.037,08 10.833,37.

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