Lamp Vibia - Wireflow Freeform 0353/0365

from 1.016,40
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Lamp Vibia - Wireflow Freeform 0353/0365

Wireflow designed by Arik Levy. Hanging lap. Configure hanging light installations from an electrical connection point on the wall with a plug to facilitate installation. With Wireflow you can outline different geometrical shapes on walls or ceilings to create murals with a stunning graphic visual effect. Employing CREA product configurator software, the design can be modified to adapt to your specific project requirements.

„Lamp Vibia - Wireflow Freeform 0353/0365“ belongs to the „Pendant“ items category. This „Vibia“ manufacturer lamp „Lamp Vibia - Wireflow Freeform 0353/0365“ is on sale not only in our online shop but also at our showroom in Kaunas - "Lempa LT". „Lamp Vibia - Wireflow Freeform 0353/0365“ lamp price: from 1.016,40.

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