Lamp Vibia - Puck Wall Art 5480

from 998,25
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Lamp Vibia - Puck Wall Art 5480

The designer Jordi Vilardell created the Puck Wall Art lights as an addition to the Puck lighting collection, allowing customised lighting compositions to be conceived based on the same formal idea. The Puck Wall Art light provides an indirect light and only requires a single electrical point connection which makes it easy to install.

„Lamp Vibia - Puck Wall Art 5480“ belongs to the „Wall“ items category. This „Vibia“ manufacturer lamp „Lamp Vibia - Puck Wall Art 5480“ is on sale not only in our online shop but also at our showroom in Kaunas - "Lempa LT". „Lamp Vibia - Puck Wall Art 5480“ lamp price: from 998,25.

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