Lamp a-emotional light - Anel P

1.542,75 1.388,48
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1 pcs.
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Lamp a-emotional light - Anel P

Our in-house team began with the idea of chandelier and texture to develop this ceiling and suspension proposal. With its circular distribution of light, Anel offers adequately lighting efficiency for this type of product, and the surface mounting makes it easy to install. The two steel mesh cylinders surrounding the light source form a set of planes, diagonal lines, textures and concentric shapes that make Anel a piece with its own aesthetics and elegance.

„Lamp a-emotional light - Anel P“ belongs to the „Pendant“ items category. This „a-emotional light“ manufacturer lamp „Lamp a-emotional light - Anel P“ is on sale not only in our online shop but also at our showroom in Kaunas - "Lempa LT". „Lamp a-emotional light - Anel P“ lamp price: 1.542,75 1.388,48.

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