Lamp a-emotional light - Tempo Andante

from 541,81 487,63
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Lamp a-emotional light - Tempo Andante

Tempo is a pendant lamp collection made with painted stainless steel mesh. Design - Arturo Alvarez. This material, crafted in fine pleats, forms two overlapped layers that create two different lamps full of dynamism. Andante and Vivace, two liveliness shapes born from one. The representation of two instants generated by the same movement at a different tempo. According to the individual order of the luminaire, it is possible to choose the LED 17W 3000K option (dimmable DALI / Switch).

„Lamp a-emotional light - Tempo Andante“ belongs to the „Pendant“ items category. This „a-emotional light“ manufacturer lamp „Lamp a-emotional light - Tempo Andante“ is on sale not only in our online shop but also at our showroom in Kaunas - "Lempa LT". „Lamp a-emotional light - Tempo Andante“ lamp price: from 541,81 487,63.

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