Lamp Davide Groppi - FM

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Lamp Davide Groppi - FM

An antenna of light. Antennas are mysterious, absolute and intrinsically beautiful, because their essentialness expresses nothing more than their function. An antenna of light, an object that could capture all the good vibrations that surround us and turn them into visible waves. A performing, adjustable and extremely comfortable light. FM is made with Extradark technology.

„Lamp Davide Groppi - FM“ belongs to the „Table“ items category. This „Davide Groppi“ manufacturer lamp „Lamp Davide Groppi - FM“ is on sale not only in our online shop but also at our showroom in Kaunas - "Lempa LT". „Lamp Davide Groppi - FM“ lamp price: 538,45.

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