Lamp Nemo - Applique à Volet Pivotant Plié

from 332,75 292,82
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Lamp Nemo - Applique à Volet Pivotant Plié

Wall lamps with aluminium adjustable diffuser “volet” and metal structure. Structure painted in white, diffuser “volet” in natural anodized aluminium, black anodized aluminium or mirror polished stainless steel. For the small versions E14 and LED versions, the “volet” could be painted in red, yellow or blue.

„Lamp Nemo - Applique à Volet Pivotant Plié“ belongs to the „Wall“ items category. This „Nemo“ manufacturer lamp „Lamp Nemo - Applique à Volet Pivotant Plié“ is on sale not only in our online shop but also at our showroom in Kaunas - "Lempa LT". „Lamp Nemo - Applique à Volet Pivotant Plié“ lamp price: from 332,75 292,82.

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